
Sunday, March 4, 2018

How to Master Social Media Marketing for your Business

Social media can boost the interest of different audiences with every product, and as a business owner, you may consider using social media marketing as a mode to get the word out about your business. The statistics for how many users are on social media daily are staggering, for example, there are 1.4 billion users on Facebook alone. Imagine the number of audience visiting online businesses on finding the right product for their needs.
According to Pew Research Center of Internet and Technology, nearly two-thirds of American adults use social media sites, meaning almost 65% are very much aware of social media as a platform for researching and buying products online. The question is, how can you master social media marketing for your business? Let’s first consider how can social media benefit your business in the long-run.
· Social Media is Cost-Effective – Businesses can take advantage of the low-cost advertising features offered by the social networks to promote their content and boost their advertising efforts.
· Social Media Reaches All People – Social media is accessible, it can reach any person in different countries in an instant. In a recent study, the number of social media users in 2018 reached 3.196 billion and is up to 13% year-on-year. This means that social media defies geographical barriers since it is accessible all over the world.
· Social Media is Customer Service Friendly – Social media networks can be used to showcase the business’s excellent service by answering customer’s inquiry promptly and in a more “friendly” manner.
· Social Media Enables Two-way Communication – You need to have a two-way conversation with your audience on social media to promote your product effectively. For instance, when a customer is interested with your product and sends you a message of inquiry, what would you do? As a marketer you would reply and explain the mechanics of their purchase. In this way, customers will be satisfied with your service, and they are more likely to refer your product to their friends or family.
How can your Business Master Social Media Marketing?
Planning a unique marketing strategy that social media consumers has not yet seen is somewhat complicated, since consumers need fresh news and products that can capture their interest. Though using social media for branding and promotion is a fantastic approach to leverage your very own business, there are crucial elements that you should consider learning: social media marketing runs through an audience, content, and E-commerce.
Here are some tips that will help you get around these three major components of social media marketing:
· Audience
Social media has different types of audiences, for example, on Instagram, people mostly look to pictures and to products that are captured in high-quality standards. Audiences on Facebook are very researched-based, meaning that a captivating content for this type of audience needs full details on what they can get from a certain company. The reason why there are different audiences on social media is that the interest and level of exposure of these audiences are varied from what social media platform they use.
Using social media to communicate with your audience creates engagement, and with this, the attachment of the audience with the content that you are promoting will capture the interest of your customers to purchase an item on your company. Regardless of the audience’s positive or negative comments about your material, it is your mission to reply and supply to their needs. This way, even if the feedback of your audience is negative, it can give your company the impression that you can handle different situations that your company encounters immediately.
· Content
Content is the most crucial element of social media; without content for your audience, your presence will surely be ignored by your audience. When creating your content, always remember that quality trumps quantity, meaning that it’s better to have 1,000 online connections who read, share, and link your content with their audiences than 10, 000 contacts who disappear after connecting with you the first time.
Creating compelling and engaging social media posts can be useful to keep your brand relevant and is crucial to avoid becoming just white noise in the social media content stream. By making your content valuable and engaging, you can creatively and genuinely show your brand’s purpose, rather just being informative and boring in the whole text.
· E-commerce
B2B, B2C, and C2C buyers thrive in social media platforms which makes them a perfect platform if you want to augment your online sales. In fact, most social media sites are introducing new features which you can use to sell more effectively to your target buyers without spamming their social media feeds. In addition to Facebook Advertising, Facebook has recently rolled out a new feature called Marketplace, which is a platform that makes it easier for buyers to search business within their locality. Pinterest, on the other hand, has “Gift’s Feed”, which specifically features Product Pins with pricing, availability and buy links.
Mastering the art of social media marketing is not easy, but with proper planning and research, these tips can help you leverage the platform effectively and produce significant results which can benefit both your customers and your business in the long-run.
Author Bio: Dana Mia Kim is a former business consultant turned into an online marketer. She has worked with several industries such retail, hospitality and fitness companies which helped her to gain knowledge and experience in these fields. With six years’ experience as an online marketer, she has been helping several start-up clothing companies to establish their brands, getting them closer to their desired goals and success. You can contact her on her twitter account.

Learn About Instagram Marketing:

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Reach Influencer - The future of influencer marketing

As consumer relationships with brands reach a crossroad, influencer marketing is fast becoming a kind of panacea of opportunities for brands - but I believe it’s about to go through some of its biggest changes in 2018, as it has the ability to completely re-imagine marketing as we know it and design deeper, more meaningful experiences for consumers.
Marketers need to be ready for this shift and prepare for how best to use influencer marketing.
Influencers as distributors of content
The social influencer marketing world has so far been propped up by the belief that influencers are modern-day celebrities. Due to their perceived power with their audience and positive association that comes with brand collaborations, digital influencers can charge a premium to brands for collaboration. It is not unheard of for influencers to charge brands up to 5x their true worth as they could tout “the special relationship they have built” with their fans as justification.
My prediction for the future is that influencers are going to be seen for what they truly are: distribution channels. Brands will therefore have a standardised metric to measure influencer marketing which isn't variably linked to the perceived relationship that an influencer has built with their fans.

A mismatch between results
There is a lot of confusion as to how to measure results in the influencer world. This is primarily because both groups - influencers and brands have wildly different incentives. Influencers are incentivised to price by their highest numbers – which are subscribers and followers - whereas brands are incentivised to price by their KPI - which is generally engagement on the collaboration. Consequently, brands are resigned to merely playing to the influencers measure of success which often leads to sub-par results.
I believe we’re going to be seeing more of a shared risk between brands and influencers. Rather than influencers charging via followers, we will end up in a more mutually aligned market where brands pay for what universally matters – engagement.
The great thing is that when you align incentives between brands and influencers, influencers then work harder to earn their keep and that hard work often leads to better results for the brand. For instance, we have pioneered the advent of a cost-per-completed-view business model to brands whilst also rewarding our influencers on the exact same metric, resulting in influencers averaging 90% completion rates on our branded content. I believe more such models will develop in the future to create a fairer market for all parties involved.
The Facebookification of influencers
Right now, influencer marketing is somewhat of a black box, with vague top line metrics like ‘number of impressions’, ‘views’ and ‘number of clicks’ being the only real measurements of engagement. My advice to marketers: don’t care about how many people see your brand. Instead, focus on something deeper than merely impressions.
I believe in 2018 we’re going to be seeing what I call the Facebookification of influencers. With this, far deeper levels of transparency are going to exist in the influencer world, rather than merely top line metrics such as impressions and clicks. We’re going to be seeing metrics that offer more granularity in the same way Facebook does; you will be able to track things like consumer sentiment and audience psychographics, making sure marketers can use influencers that reflect the brand requirements in a much more specific, emotional way. It’s my belief that whoever can bring this granularity at scale to the influencer world wins.
I’m very excited to see the future of influencer marketing in 2018 as it has the ability to completely overturn how modern-day businesses engage with their customers - by treating influencers as distribution outlets, having a shared sense of risk between brand and influencers and the deep data-driven attitude. I believe it's only a matter of time till we see influencer marketing become even more of a major force in the marketing arsenal.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Ways To Become A Millionaire Even When You Start With Little

The hardest part of becoming successful is getting started to begin with. But despite the challenges ahead of you, there’s a way to become a millionaire when starting with little. I’m going to show you four reasons why you can become a millionaire with just a small investment.
Focus on learning, not big gain
Education is your greatest weapon. Focus on learning in the beginning. Don’t make the mistake of focusing on making huge gains in the beginning. Learn everything you can because this is how you build the foundations for long-term gains.
They say that if a millionaire goes bankrupt they’ll nearly always be able to get it back. And that’s because they might have lost their money, but they have the knowledge of how to get back to where they need to be.
I’m grateful for the internet. It’s the single biggest library in the world. You’re reading this article right now and you’re acquiring knowledge you wouldn’t have been able to acquire 40 years ago. Use the internet to its fullest extent, whether that’s through reading books, browsing articles or watching video tutorials.
Set some time aside every day to learn something online. It could be a video series or a favorite blog. When you get into the habit of learning regularly you’ll find that you advance much faster.
Focus on the niche you love
These days you can learn about anything and target the niche you’re passionate about. This is what I was able to do with penny stocks. I found a gap in the market and provided knowledge to people who wouldn’t have otherwise being able to access this sort of information.
You can do that with absolutely any niche. When you find a niche you’re passionate about and you use the reach of the Internet you start to make huge gains.
Prove your expertise by creating free content
Your reputation as an authority is the new business card. There’s a reason I created a penny stock guide and made it free for all. You may have already seen ads for it on social media. The way to succeed with little is to create a reputation through your content.
It’s the gateway to success because through free content you start to build relationships with others who value your work. And from there everyone gets richer.
Related:  Millionaire Switch

You can do lots with a little
The days when you needed a huge investment to become successful are long gone. These days you can do so much with just a little. Find what you love, advance your knowledge in that area, and create a product that fulfills a need. Finally, work on building up relationships through portraying yourself as an authority on your subject.
Combine everything together and you can accomplish anything.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Pinterest For Retailers

Pinterest is a great social media and marketing tool for retailers. It is easy to use and can be seamlessly integrated into a current ecommerce website. Pinterest is the second largest referral traffic driver to retail sites, and 93 percent of its users are on the social site to plan for purchases. Pinterest’s estimated 100 million active users spend twice as much money online than the average internet user. Using Pinterest is extremely profitable for retailers, so how does one get started?

Pinterest offers a special business account with many useful marketing tools for retailers, such as analytics, rich pins, and promoted posts. To get the most out of the Pinterest account, retailers should make sure to use current pictures and logos, keywords in the bio for search engine optimization and details explaining what viewers can expect to see on the page. Add a location and verified website as well, to prove to potential consumers that your store is a trusted business. Once your Pinterest account is active, explore the many features that retailers can use to optimize their success.
A business account on Pinterest offers many features, such as user analytics. Similar to Facebook, Pinterest’s analytics provide the details of who is viewing your page, interaction, website insights, and more. With 85 percent of brand engagement happening outside of Pinterest, adding buttons to an e-commerce site is crucial. The “Pin It” button allows shoppers to pin images to their profile and boards directly from a retail site. A “Follow” button gives viewers the ability to automatically follow the account without having to go to Pinterest separately. There are also “Rich Pins” that businesses can add to their websites. They include current availability and price information right on the image itself. This allows users to see this information when someone pins the product to their own account. Integrating these features is sure to bring retailers a boost, but the features are not enough on their own. A successful Pinterest must have a strategy for optimization.
Pinterest is an extremely visual platform; this should be taken into account for every action made on the site. Pins should have a consistent and quality look to them. Pictures used for pins collectively create an image for your brand. All Pinterest photos should have excellent lighting and be clear. They should all have an aesthetically similar appearance, whether in the lighting, colors, or composition. Keywords should be employed, not only in the bio but in the description of pins as well. When creating boards, it is important to include images from other accounts. Boards should have a variety of pins.
Pinterest can be brought inside a brick and mortar store by creating Pinterest boards centering on a display or set of products. Boards are used as inspiration and should evoke an image and lifestyle that shoppers want to emulate. Engage with your customers and show them how items in-store can be used outside the store and tie into everyday life.
Similar to any other social media platform, Pinterest offers paid advertisements to their users. “Promoted Pins” do exactly as they say; they promote a pin. The user can pick a specific audience they want seeing their “Promoted Pin” based on characteristics such as location, language, and device. Pinterest then charges by cost-per-click and promotes the pin so that the chosen audience will see it in their feeds. Promoting pins is simple and affordable for retailers.